The life of an author is anything but glamorous.
As I sit here writing this newsletter, my auto-cleaning kitty litter box is hurling poop into a tiny bag, sounding like a diseased and dying cow with every new poopy rotation. But it’s getting the job done, which is more than I can say currently. I just want to lay down on the floor and practice my “the-void-is-calling-and-I-must-answer-it” desolate groans, but instead, I’m upright and picking my cats off the curtains. (My poor curtains!)
This last week has been a whirlwind of… stuff. Lots of lovely, incredible stuff.
Thank you, everyone, for coming out to see me at my tour stops in Greenville, SC, St. Louis, MO, and Cincinnati, OH. It was so lovely to see so many new (and returning!) faces. I haven’t really had a big book event since the pandemic began, so while the events were overwhelming, they filled my heart full. I’m very bad at faces, so if (when) we see each other again, please remind me where we met before (though I’m pretty good at remembering names).
And to top it all off this week, The Seven Year Slip hit the newly-returned USA Today Best-seller list! At number #17! And The Dead Romantics returned from the gave at #62! That’s amazing, y’all!!
Thank y’all so much for supporting The Seven Year Slip throughout its first week of sales. I know it’s just the beginning, and I can’t wait for more people to find this novel and fall in love, over and over, like all of you have already.
This book was a… strange beast to write. I talked a little bit about it in an earlier newsletter, so you can read about it there, but I just wanted to say how proud I am of this book, of the hard work my editor Amanda Bergeron and her assistant editor, Sareer Khader, and I put into it.
This was a tough one. Probably the toughest I ever have—and ever will—write. To those of you who have reached out about this book, and who have tagged me in your glowing reviews, thank you. When the love came pouring in for this little book about time-traveling apartments and lemon pies, it made it all worth it.
I’m so thrilled to be a part of Apple Books’ Best Books of July! Check it out—and other July picks—below!
Going to Steamy Lit Con in August?
When checking out, put in the comments “Pick up at Steamy Lit Con.”
I will not be selling books at the con, so if you don’t want to pre-order from Meet Cute Romance Bookshop, please BYOB — Bring Your Own Book!
(I will, however, have unique little art prints to give away while supplies last!)
What I’m Reading… The Infinite Miles by Hannah Fergeson. If you like Doctor Who, Hitchhiker’s Guide, or queer stories, this book is for you.
What I’m Listening to… I’ve been obsessed with Alive by The Scarlett Opera for about a month now, and that’s not changing any time soon it seems. The perfect blend of fun. and Mika? Yes, please.
What I’m Watching… The Bear, Season 2. Anyone who says that Syd and Carm aren’t meant for each other are lying liars. I don’t care how—platonically, romantically, they’re as ride-or-die as I’ve ever seen two people ever.
Again, thank you all for your love and support over the last few months with The Seven Year Slip. It takes a village to raise a book, and you all are part of my village.
A village that is raising more books, as it turns out. After all, I have a Buffy book coming out August 1st, and then a Kate Bishop/Hawkeye novel on October 3rd! Ask me the last time I’ve gotten a peaceful night’s sleep. I can’t remember. But it’s all worth it. Totally, super worth it.
Stay weird, friends.
Ashley! Thanks for shouting out THE INFINITES MILES (and I hope you love it!!) and congrats on all the amazing events and lists!!! Can’t wait to read this one - I’m pretty sure it’s up my alley ;)
Absolutely ADORED Seven Year Slip, and I congratulate you on the only time travel media I have ever consumed that did not make me itchy about disruptions in the space-time continuum. 😂